Saturday, August 23, 2008

Are You Really Normal?

Are You Normal or Nuts? This is a question we all ponder from time to time. Like am I crazy to stock up on a great sale of items we will use? I think most people would say no, and it's smart to pay less for something you will use. Other people may think it's a little crazy to buy 26 bottles of dish liquid. I think my husband would agree. It's funny how I never hear him complaining about all the rolls of toilet paper in the closet. He might think twice about making a comment if they suddenly disappeared in a moment of need. "insert an evil laugh"

This is a great article in the Reader's Digest I came across recently. My favorite one is the lady that took 7 years to use 14 bottles of nail polish. First wouldn't the polish be a little funky? I don't really use nail polish too often. Do you think that this would be one for the Are You Normal or Nuts? category? I would say yes. I just recently bought a bottle for free after rebate. Some people might think that it's acceptable, and have done it themselves. The article is pretty funny, and insightful. Check out the Reader's Digest Laughs section. Just remember what you might think is crazy to you is perfectly normal to someone else.

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Dani' said...

7 years? Wow. Nailpolish gets funky around here. Of course I suppose if you put it in the fridge and didn't expose it to air it wouldn't clot and dry up so quick.