There are so many great cards to choose from, but I came across these really neat calender cards. I know many people in my family would love them. This is better to me than the standard greeting you would find inside a Holiday card. Or you could create your own photo greeting card by uploading a picture. Grandparents love those kind of greeting cards. generously donated over 180,000 holiday cards last year to our deployed troops overseas. All these cards went out in the Soliders' Angels for Holiday care packages which is a wonderful way to show our troops how much we appreciate what they do for our country. I think everyone should become involved in this great program. 'May no soldier go unloved' is the Soliders' Angels motto. So many of them are away from their loved ones which is more reason that we should do more to show our support. I applaud for giving such a generous donation to our troops. What will you do to show our soldiers some love this holiday season?
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