Monday, November 10, 2008

Thanks to My October Droppers

I am sorry this is getting posted so late, but I want to extend a big thanks to all my October droppers on Entrecard. I am posting my top 10 October droppers. I love this site. I have been a little lazy about dropping daily, but when I do, I drop 300. Yes it does take some time. I have bookmarked over 250 sites which does make it easier to drop quicker. I have read some awesome blogs, made a few new friends, and just enjoy the community feel I get on EC. Again thanks to everyone who drops on my blog.


Lofty Matters

"Cents"able Momma

BRYAN KARL Everything Online Money Making & Technology

Kid Tech Guru

Marriage and Beyond

Mommies Home

Computer Aid

The Ad Master

Authority Directory


Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping on me so steadily. You're right, EC is a lot of work, but is a great way to find good blogs to read daily.